Absences for Health Services Policy
Students are encouraged to maintain their own personal health throughout medical school. This includes their dental, mental and/or physical health. Ideally, students will make every effort to schedule these appointments at dates/times that do not conflict with required education activities. When this is not possible, students must submit their request for an excused absence to the relevant course/clerkship director(s). Upon approval, the director will notify the student of makeup requirements and due date, if appropriate. Additionally, students will not be penalized for absence from class or other scheduled academic activities for medical reasons. This applies to absences for acute illnesses as well as to absences due to regularly scheduled ongoing treatment for dental, mental or physical health. For any questions and/or concerns regarding this policy, students are to consult the Associate Dean for Medical Education or Student Affairs.
UF College of Medicine, Medical Education Program, Policies and Procedures
Student Counseling and Health Care Policy
Medical and psychiatric physicians at the Student Health Care Center (SHCC) may hold faculty positions in the College of Medicine and, therefore, may have academic and/or clinical teaching responsibilities with medical students. Most of the teaching assignments bring the faculty member into direct contact and academic involvement with only a few students in each class year. Because of the potential for conflict, medical students presenting for services at the SHCC or the SHCC Shands satellite clinics will be given the option to see (1) a faculty member or alternative health care provider who has not, and will not, have an academic role with them or, (2) a health care provider in the community.
The Director of the College of Medicine, Office of Student Counseling & Development also holds a faculty position. However, this individual does not have any academic and/or clinical teaching responsibilities, is not involved in the academic assessment of the students, and does not take part in decisions regarding the advancement/promotion and/or graduation of medical students.
UF College of Medicine, Medical Education Program, Policies and Procedures
Gainesville Medical Students
Medical students will be notified of this provision during their orientation to the College of Medicine.

Jacksonville Medical Students
Counseling and Wellness Services