Gainesville Medical Students

Medical students will be notified of this provision during their orientation to the College of Medicine. The policy shall also be posted on the Student Affairs and Student Counseling and Development websites. Additionally, this information will be presented annually to the faculty members who serve as the Collaborative Learning Group Leaders, as well as the Course Directors and Clerkship Directors.

When students call to make medical or psychiatric appointments at the SHCC, at Shands or an associated clinic, they should identify themselves as being a medical student. Students can request an appointment with a healthcare provider who does not have a teaching role. If a non-teaching physician is not available at either the main SHCC or any of the satellite clinics, the student will be referred to a non-UF physician in the community.

If a student is assigned to a clinical site or service that involves one of his/her health care providers, the student may request a reassignment to a different service.

Confidentiality is maintained barring when disclosure is required by law (e.g., danger to self, others, suspicion of abuse of children, the elderly or disabled). This information is not included in the official student records, nor is it disclosed to the administration, faculty or any licensing board without the student’s written consent.